The wellbeing of the child is our top priority

Educational emphasis


  • For children, key carers represent a safe foundation, from whom they can learn about the world.
  • Stable relationships are the result of continous common experiences.
  • A good relationship in the upbringing partnership between parents and day care which is like an extension of the family has a positive influence on the well-being of the child.
Language development

Language development

  • In order to acquire language, a child requires emotional and positive relationships.
  • Non-verbal encouragement of language skills also takes place in day-to-day life.
  • Appreciation is expressed using language.


There are two key elements to gender-sensitive teaching. The first is that the differences between boys and girls are consciously recognised, and acceptance of them encouraged. The second is that boys and girls are treated equally, and enabled and trusted to do the same things.



In a way appropriate to their age, children are treated and taken seriously as partners in dialogue, and included in decision-making processes.


kids & co fosters resilience, in other words the child's mental robustness. Children are helped to discover their own skills and abilities, to handle their own emotions and needs, and to develop positive self-esteem and self-confidence.

Early years education

Early years education

At kids & co, early years education does not mean bringing forward formal teaching. Rather, the environment and relationship structures are designed so that, as part of free play, children can experience a variety of challenges to the basic skills – language, motor and social – that they are just beginning to learn at this age.

Health and physical development

A healthy diet, exercise and personal hygiene form part and parcel of everyday life at our daycare centres. kids & co consciously encourages children to develop healthy habits, without any form of pressure or force. We want children to be aware of the connection between healthy behaviours and their body and general wellbeing.

Health and physical development
Motor development

Motor development

  • Essentially, the early development of motor skills depends on an inner maturing process. Certain movements are only possible if this is sufficiently advanced.
  • A child gets to know the world around by means of touching and movement.
  • The individual movement patterns are emphasised differently for different children.

Development of thinking

  • From grasping physically to grasping mentally: a small child learns and acquires knowledge of the world by getting hold of objects, gripping them, feeling them, dropping them and noticing what is happening.
  • A small child thinks egocentrically. Stories told by a child are often only understandable by those in the know.
Development of thinking
Space for movement

Space for movement

The child's motoric development can be supported by free space. All our kids & co daycare centres have attractive outdoor spaces, even if they are located in the city centre. There are also regular forest days or continuous movement sequences, e.g. with music and dance. Each child is offered a space to move according to his or her level of development.

Your Contact

Sabine Camenisch

kids & co manager

031 313 81 16

Sandra Ulli

kids & co manager

031 313 81 26

Aarbergergasse 20
3011 Bern

Your Contact

Deborah Bühler

kids & co manager

021 312 88 78

30, avenue de Miremont
1206 Genève

Your Contact

Céline Citherlet

Vice Managin Director  / kids & co manager

044 254 60 56

Diana Moser

kids & co manager

044 254 60 57

Zähringerstrasse 26
8001 Zürich